The first program will write the materials to be archived into a temporary log. The second program will then delete based on the temporary log generated by the first program.
Write Program
Delete Program
SAP Note 900537 Important Notes on Error Messages during Write of Archiving Material Master
Error W4001/W4005 - Purchase order exists/Purchase requistions exist:
If the purchase order items have not subsequently been processed, you can delete the purchase order items for the material and the plant.
If full goods receipt has not yet taken place for a particular purchase order item, you can reset the purchase order quantity.
If the purchase order item has been delivered in full, but not yet completely settled, you have to wait for the invoice verification function to act on this.
If a purchase order has been processed in full, you can delete the processed purchase order items using the archiving programs.
Please review note 401318 Archiving: Additional information. This note explains the criteria which must be set in purchasing documents.
Error W4004 - Info record exists:
The cause is that there are inforecords without deletion flags for the material: Branch to the transaction for setting deletion flags.
Error W4007 - Dependent storage location entries exists:
There is stock at a storage location. Reduce the stock and the archiving process should work.
Also this message could be due to dependent batches and reservations ect. at the storage level
Error W4009 - Indep. requirements exist: Please review attached note 135807 which gives you information on how to delete these requirements.
Error W4012 - Use in sales and distribution:
The error W4012 indicates that the material is used in sales and distribution, this means that there are open sales documents that exists. You must archive all existing SD documents from your system. You may check this by going to transaction VA05 and check for open sales documents, also check SE16 for the VAPMA table , VBBE table or VBBS table. Please use archiving object SD_VBAK to delete closed sales documents.
Error W4014 - Bill of material exists:
Please use CS15 and check if the material is used in any of the BOM's. If yes then please remove the respective Item. Also if the material is used in any of the BOM header then you would need to delete the entire BOM and you could use Transaction SARA with object CS_BOM for same. Also check table MAST if there any entries for that material. Note 47732 also gives some good information on the material being used in the BOM's
Error W4015 - Use in bill of material:
The material is linked to a bill of materials. Please review notes 47732 and 107109.
Error W4017 - Reservation/Dependent requirements exist:
This message indicates that some reservations exist for the material you are trying to archive. You should be able to see the existing reservations using table RESB. Firstly, you must archive the document that caused the reservation to be created, for example Production Orders then you must archive the reservations themselves. Afterwards, it should be possible to archive the material.
Note 30781 may assist if you identify that these requirements stem from purchase requisitions.
Error W4020 - WM stock transfer (from material) exists:
This error comes from a check on table LUBU (Posting change document). There is an entry for this material/Warehouse in this table these entries have to be has to be archived first using the archiving object RL_LUBU in SARA.
Error W4025 - Use in product group exists:
You have to remove the material from all product groups, to which the material is assigned. You should be able to do this in the transaction MC86. Maybe also the transaction MC91 helps to find them.
The error is also raised, if for the material and plant still a planning material is maintained in the MRP data. In this case you need to remove the assigned planning material for example using transaction MM02.
Error W4031 - Plant is assigned to the valuation area:
The material cannot be archived for this valuation area since the material is still used in dependent tables.Delete these dependencies. You can then archive the material for the valuation area.
This message is created when the MARC entry for valuation area has a check error, but there is no check error for the assigned MBEW entry.
Error W4038 - Use in routing - Inspection Plan:
For the Error W4038 you have to delete the material assignment in the CA02, but this is not enough, because the entries in the database still exist. That means, that you activity in the CA02 has only set the deletion flag, nothing more. To really archive this entries you should use the archiving object PM_PLAN('Routings'), where the still existing entries are archived.
Error W4039 - Routing exists:
Please consult note 60386
Error W4068 - Source list entries exist:
This message is issued, if source list entries exist in database table EORD. You have to change the validity to a day before the archiving date or to set the 'Blocked'-indicator for the entries by transaction ME01 to avoid this error message.
Error W4077 - Delivery exists:
For message W4 077 you have to archive existing deliveries before with archiving object SD_LIKP or RV_LIKP. This are also data, which has to be archived before the material itself.
Error W4080 - Costing data exists:
You will need to archive and delete the cost estimates before you are able to archive the material master.
Check in transaction SE16:
(1) table MBEW select material, remember KALNR / KALN1.
(2) table KEKO select KEKO-KALNR by MBEW-KALNR and MBEW-KALN1.
If you find entries in KEKO or KANZ archiving material master will not be sucessful (message W4080).
The material has to be marked for deletion first (TA MM06). Then all assigned cost estimates have to be archived (transaction CKR3 or SARA ->CO_COPC). When KEKO and KANZ entries disappeared, archive material.
Please refer to note 547867 for more information.
Error W4092 / W4096 - Sales order stock records exist / Dependent sales
order stock records (totals) exist:
Sales order stock exist. Sales order stock are special stocks, which are not stored in table MARD. You have to remove existing stocks before and also to archive all special stocks, before you could archive the material. You should use the archiving object MM_SPSTOCK to do this.
Error W4097 - Dependent batch records exist:
The error messages that are raised indicate the following must be performed for the process to be successful. You can find the existing batch via transaction SE16 on table MCHA by entering the material number and hitting [execute].
1. remove/transfer the stock that currently resides in the prior period
for the material/plant/sloc.
2. Set the batch deletion flag using txn MSC2N for material within the
3. Execute SARA for archiving object MM_SPSTOCK and check the spool file for errors. If errors still exist, one of the above steps was not performed properly. If no error exist, proceed to archive the material/plant using txn SARA for archiving object MM_MATNR as you did previously.
Error W4100 - Dependent special stocks at the vendor exist:
Please perform archive for special stock first via transaction code SARA for MM_SPSTOCK. Entries are found in table MSSL and MSLB.
Error W4102 - Use in the product catalog
The entry in table WLBM has to be deleted. Please check the base layout area of the product catalogues.
Error W4107 - Internal use of the material:
First, error message W4 107 indicates that the material is used as an internal material for another material. Go to table MARA for this material and check fields BMATN and MFRPN.
Please call the function 'MG_BEZUG_MARA_CHECK' with the material and it should give you back a flag, if article is used or not
Also it can be possible that the material is used in table fields
Error W4114 - Material is used in control cycles
If the material is used in non-WM-managed storage locations, then you need to delete the KANBAN control cycles using transaction PK02. You can determine using transaction PK18 the KANBAN control cycles for the material and storage location, and check whether the KANBAN control cycles can be deleted.
If the material is used in WM-managed storage locations, then you need to delete the WM control cycles using transaction LPK2. You can determine using transaction LS41 the WM control cycles for the material and storage location, and check whether the WM control cycles can be deleted.
Error W4119 - Stock value for previous year/year before last still exists:
Apply notes 392078 and 580664.
After the implementation of this correction, it is not possible to delete the accounting data (Table MBEW) of a material when the stock value is not equal to zero in the previous year. You can only delete the material if the valuated stock is directly booked out in the previous year through a material credit (Transaction MR22) or a price change (Transaction MR21). If postings in the previous year are no longer possible, you will have to wait until the next annual displacement in order to delete the material.
Error W4123 - Material is used in inspection lots:
Please see notes 545168 and 364582.
Error W4125 - Other dependent data exists:
Please implement note 688297.
Also this message can be raised by any implementation of the BAdI BADI_MM_MATNR, so please check all your active implementations. For your own implementations you should use the note 619015 to get specific check error messages instead message W4 125.
Message W4131 - Valuation area is assigned to the plant: This is just a warning and you should be able to archive through once these errors are removed. Messages with red light are error Whereas any message with yellow are only warning and should not stop the processing. This message is created when the MARC entry for valuation area is ok, but there is a check error for the assigned MBEW entry.
Error W4134 - Dependent material master data still exists:
Please refer note 561972. Also delete the routings / BOMs / PO for these Materials.
And for more information how to carry out archiving, please look at the online documentation under:
Cross Application components -> CA Application Data Archiving -> CO - Controlling -> Archiving Material Cost Estimates.
Please also look at the website:
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