LAGP–>Storage bins
LEIN–>Storage unit header records
LINK–>Inventory document header in WM
LINP–>Inventory document item in WM
LINV–>Inventory data per quant
LL01–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Order Items
LL02–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Requirement Items
LL03–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Posting Change Documents
LL04–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Deliveries
LL05–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Stocks
LL06–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Storage Bins
LL07–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Production Orders
LQUAB–>Total quant counts for certain strategies
LTAK–>WM transfer order header
LTAP–>Transfer order item
LTBK–>Transfer requirement header
LTBP–>Transfer requirement item
LUBU–>Posting change document
MGEF–>Hazardous materials
NKLV–>Number ranges in WM
T300–>WM Warehouse Numbers
T300T–>Warehouse Number Descriptions
T301–>WM Storage Types
T301T–>Storage Type Descriptions
T302–>WM Storage Sections
T302T–>Storage Section Names
T303–>WM Storage Bin Types
T303T–>WM Names of Storage Bin Types
T304–>Storage Section Indicators
T304T–>Text for Storage Section Indicator
T305–>Storage Type Indicators
T305T–>Text for Storage Type Indicator
T306–>Special Movement Indicators
T306T–>Texts for Special Movement Indicators
T307–>Storage Unit Types
T307T–>Text for Storage Unit Type
T308–>Requirement Types
T308T–>Texts for Requirement Types
T309–>Fire-Containment Sections
T309T–>Names for Fire-Containment Sections
T30A–>WM Picking Areas
T30AT–>Picking Area Descriptions
T30B–>WM Gates
T30BT–>Zone Descriptions
T310–>Pre-Allocated Stock
T311–>Definition of WM Reference Number
T311A–>Cross-Reference WM Reference Number for Documents
T311L–>Definition of Run Within a WM Reference Number
T312–>Control Performance Data and TO Split
T312A–>Profile for performance data
T312B–>Profile for Transfer Order Split
T312R–>Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer Order
T312S–>Profile for Sorting
T312W–>Time for Planned TO Processing
T320–>Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse Number
T320A–>WM: Storage Location Control
T321–>Assignment MM Movement Type
T322–>RM Movement Types for Clearing Inventory
T324–>Storage Loc. Ref.
T324T–>Descriptions for Storage Loc. Reference
T325–>WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection Samples
T325T–>Description for Control WM-QM Interface
T326–>Control Table for 2-Step Picking
T327–>Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU)
T327A–>Control of link WM – subsystem
T327B–>Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM – sub
T327T–>Variant description for link WM -> subsystem
T327V–>Variants for WM Link -> Subsystem
T328–>Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical Parameters
LINK–>Inventory document header in WM
LINP–>Inventory document item in WM
LINV–>Inventory data per quant
LL01–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Order Items
LL02–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Requirement Items
LL03–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Posting Change Documents
LL04–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Deliveries
LL05–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Stocks
LL06–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Storage Bins
LL07–>Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Production Orders
LQUAB–>Total quant counts for certain strategies
LTAK–>WM transfer order header
LTAP–>Transfer order item
LTBK–>Transfer requirement header
LTBP–>Transfer requirement item
LUBU–>Posting change document
MGEF–>Hazardous materials
NKLV–>Number ranges in WM
T300–>WM Warehouse Numbers
T300T–>Warehouse Number Descriptions
T301–>WM Storage Types
T301T–>Storage Type Descriptions
T302–>WM Storage Sections
T302T–>Storage Section Names
T303–>WM Storage Bin Types
T303T–>WM Names of Storage Bin Types
T304–>Storage Section Indicators
T304T–>Text for Storage Section Indicator
T305–>Storage Type Indicators
T305T–>Text for Storage Type Indicator
T306–>Special Movement Indicators
T306T–>Texts for Special Movement Indicators
T307–>Storage Unit Types
T307T–>Text for Storage Unit Type
T308–>Requirement Types
T308T–>Texts for Requirement Types
T309–>Fire-Containment Sections
T309T–>Names for Fire-Containment Sections
T30A–>WM Picking Areas
T30AT–>Picking Area Descriptions
T30B–>WM Gates
T30BT–>Zone Descriptions
T310–>Pre-Allocated Stock
T311–>Definition of WM Reference Number
T311A–>Cross-Reference WM Reference Number for Documents
T311L–>Definition of Run Within a WM Reference Number
T312–>Control Performance Data and TO Split
T312A–>Profile for performance data
T312B–>Profile for Transfer Order Split
T312R–>Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer Order
T312S–>Profile for Sorting
T312W–>Time for Planned TO Processing
T320–>Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse Number
T320A–>WM: Storage Location Control
T321–>Assignment MM Movement Type
T322–>RM Movement Types for Clearing Inventory
T324–>Storage Loc. Ref.
T324T–>Descriptions for Storage Loc. Reference
T325–>WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection Samples
T325T–>Description for Control WM-QM Interface
T326–>Control Table for 2-Step Picking
T327–>Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU)
T327A–>Control of link WM – subsystem
T327B–>Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM – sub
T327T–>Variant description for link WM -> subsystem
T327V–>Variants for WM Link -> Subsystem
T328–>Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical Parameters
T328A–>Activate Whse Act. Monitor Objects
T328B–>Whse Act.Monitor: Display Variants for Hierarchy Display
T328C–>Whse Act.Monitor: Description of Display Variants
T329A–>Printer Pool Definition
T329D–>Transfer Order Printer Control
T329F–>Print Control Table
T329P–>Transfer Order Print Parameters
T329S–>Print Control Table for Multiple Processing Procedures
T329T–>Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer Orders
T330–>Blocking Reasons
T330T–>Text for Blocking Reason
T331–>Storage Type Control
T331B–>Storage Type Control for Bulk Storage
T331L–>Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type
T333–>WM Movement Types
T333A–>Transfer Types
T333B–>Texts for Transfer Types
T333M–>Mail control for background processing
T333N–>Control for automatic transfer order creation
T333O–>Texts for automatic TO creation
T333T–>Texts for WM Movement Types
T333U–>WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IM
T334B–>Storage Section Search
T334E–>Storage Unit Type Check
T334P–>Storage Bin Type Search
T334T–>Storage Type Search
T334U–>Access Strategy for Storage Type Search
T335–>Default Values for Inventory
T336–>Difference Indicators
T336T–>Texts for Difference Indicators
T337A–>Division of Storage Bins into Sections
T337B–>Bulk Storage Sectioning
T337C–>Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337D–>Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337Z–>Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type
T338–>Bulk Storage Indicators
T338T–>Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators
T340–>WM Transactions
T340D–>WM Default Values
T341–>WM Screen Selection
T342–>Control of Screen Sequence in WM
T342T–>Assignment of Title Bar to PF Status
T343–>Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage Bins
T343I–>Definition of Sort Field in Storage Bin
T343J–>Definition of Sequence Field in Storage Bin
T344–>Client-Dependent Control Table for MM-WM
T646A–>Aggregate States
T646B–>Texts for Aggregate States
T646G–>Hazardous Material Warnings
T646H–>Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings
T646L–>Storage Classes
T646M–>Texts for Storage Classes
T646R–>Region Codes
T646S–>Texts for Region Codes
T646V–>Hazardous Material Warnings
T646W–>Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings
LDK00–>Status Record for WM Communication Records
LDK01–>Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> R/3
LDK02–>Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> R/3
LDK03–>Communication rec. 03 LVS decentr.: Del.doc. R(2
LDK04–>Communication rec. 04 LVS decentr.: DN supplem. R/2 -> R/3
LDK05–>Communication Record 05 Decentralized WMS: Material Master
LDK06–>Communic.Record 06 Decentralized WMS: Change to Batch Status
T321D–>Assignment RM-LVS Movement Type Decentral.
T321K–>Definition of Accumulated Messages to HOST (R/2)
T323M–>Log. Error Handling Host – Decentralized WM
T323P–>Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail Messages (R/2->R/3)
T331C–>Control of storage type for putaway strategy K
TWAP1–>Appointments: Appointments profile
TWAP1T–>Appointments: Appointments profile – description
TWAP2–>Appointments: Deviation reasons
TWAP2T–>Appointments: Description for deviation reasons
WAPPTV–>Appointments: Worklist
T328B–>Whse Act.Monitor: Display Variants for Hierarchy Display
T328C–>Whse Act.Monitor: Description of Display Variants
T329A–>Printer Pool Definition
T329D–>Transfer Order Printer Control
T329F–>Print Control Table
T329P–>Transfer Order Print Parameters
T329S–>Print Control Table for Multiple Processing Procedures
T329T–>Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer Orders
T330–>Blocking Reasons
T330T–>Text for Blocking Reason
T331–>Storage Type Control
T331B–>Storage Type Control for Bulk Storage
T331L–>Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type
T333–>WM Movement Types
T333A–>Transfer Types
T333B–>Texts for Transfer Types
T333M–>Mail control for background processing
T333N–>Control for automatic transfer order creation
T333O–>Texts for automatic TO creation
T333T–>Texts for WM Movement Types
T333U–>WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IM
T334B–>Storage Section Search
T334E–>Storage Unit Type Check
T334P–>Storage Bin Type Search
T334T–>Storage Type Search
T334U–>Access Strategy for Storage Type Search
T335–>Default Values for Inventory
T336–>Difference Indicators
T336T–>Texts for Difference Indicators
T337A–>Division of Storage Bins into Sections
T337B–>Bulk Storage Sectioning
T337C–>Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337D–>Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337Z–>Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type
T338–>Bulk Storage Indicators
T338T–>Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators
T340–>WM Transactions
T340D–>WM Default Values
T341–>WM Screen Selection
T342–>Control of Screen Sequence in WM
T342T–>Assignment of Title Bar to PF Status
T343–>Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage Bins
T343I–>Definition of Sort Field in Storage Bin
T343J–>Definition of Sequence Field in Storage Bin
T344–>Client-Dependent Control Table for MM-WM
T646A–>Aggregate States
T646B–>Texts for Aggregate States
T646G–>Hazardous Material Warnings
T646H–>Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings
T646L–>Storage Classes
T646M–>Texts for Storage Classes
T646R–>Region Codes
T646S–>Texts for Region Codes
T646V–>Hazardous Material Warnings
T646W–>Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings
LDK00–>Status Record for WM Communication Records
LDK01–>Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> R/3
LDK02–>Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> R/3
LDK03–>Communication rec. 03 LVS decentr.: Del.doc. R(2
LDK04–>Communication rec. 04 LVS decentr.: DN supplem. R/2 -> R/3
LDK05–>Communication Record 05 Decentralized WMS: Material Master
LDK06–>Communic.Record 06 Decentralized WMS: Change to Batch Status
T321D–>Assignment RM-LVS Movement Type Decentral.
T321K–>Definition of Accumulated Messages to HOST (R/2)
T323M–>Log. Error Handling Host – Decentralized WM
T323P–>Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail Messages (R/2->R/3)
T331C–>Control of storage type for putaway strategy K
TWAP1–>Appointments: Appointments profile
TWAP1T–>Appointments: Appointments profile – description
TWAP2–>Appointments: Deviation reasons
TWAP2T–>Appointments: Description for deviation reasons
WAPPTV–>Appointments: Worklist
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ReplyDeleteOur team at QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-855-236-7529 is available 24 x7 hours to assist users. The experts in this team are highly skilled and are always hands-on to solve the technical or non-technical glitches and errors of this software. Get prominent and instant solutions right away for any sort of bugs encountered on this amazing accounting software.
ReplyDeleteRead more:
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ReplyDeleteError technically means an estimated difference between the calculated value of a quantity and its true value. The numeric value, here, 9999, is the value to identify the error. It holds information, cause, as well as the action causing the error. Banking error 9999 may encounter the user while searching online. It hangs, responds slower or even stops working. When trying updating the information, the users get entangled in error. If you would like to learn How To Fix Quickbooks Error 9999 yourself, you can continue reading this blog.
Runtime Error 9999 happens when QuickBooks fails or crashes whilst it’s running, hence its name. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the code was corrupt in some way, but just that it did not work during its run-time. If you would like to learn how to Troubleshoot Quickbooks Error 9999, you can continue reading this blog.
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A tip for customers who find themselves struggling to manage and usequickbooks customer service. The team will be able to help you resolve errors that may be common among the software's users, including password issues, tracking down a payment made by mistake.